Thursday, February 7, 2008

New feature in Orkut. Upload multiple photos !!!

The upload control provides fast and easy uploads of multiple photos.

  1. Click on the yellow Information bar above (if it appears) and select "Install Active X control...".

If the information bar appears without the option to install the ActiveX Control, please modify your security settings.

2. Click Install in the security window to install the software.

If you are having problems using our ActiveX upload control, you can use the Simple Uploader

Add more photos to orkut!

Orkut have now Increased the Number of Photos you can keep in your Album to 150.
take a screen shot below.

Note: No official words from orkut but it is clearly seen update .

Album taken from ¤UФ └♥ĂkKÎ♥┘™ .

Orkut User Happiness Survey - Tell Them What You Think of Orkut?

Orkut is requesting your valuable feedback. They are now conducting an orkut user happiness survey . You can participate in the survey by navigating to this link and tell them what you think of orkut.

Send Links Without Captcha in Orkut

Orkut Brains just discovered a way out to send links without filling in any captcha (word verification). Unfortunately, this means more spam on orkut.

Note : Orkut Plus already notified orkut about this flaw.

How to send links without the headache of filling captcha?

Note: 'http://' wont work. 'www' works flawlessly


Decoding the javascrip send by your frend before using it !!!

Many a times you get some javascripts prompting large number of encoded scripts .Didnt catch what i told ? See the screenshot below .

Do you know what those numbers signify? They can be used to hide or mask the actual use of the script.

So what if they actually mean to get your cookies and the worst part is you don't know it.So here are some tips you can use to see what actually lies beneath those numbers.

What those numbers actually mean?

  • Now paste the javascript you received
  • You will see the result in the right hand side text box.
  • So now you actually know who sent you the script and what were his/her intentions ;o)


New feature in Orkut. Upload multiple photos !!!

The upload control provides fast and easy uploads of multiple photos. Click on the yellow Information bar above (if it appears) and select &...